Bottle Feeding Policy


Bottle feeding is an important part of any child’s routine and should be a warm and nurturing experience. After considerable research, Kindercare has developed a policy to ensure the child’s needs are met and best practice is supported throughout our centres.


Heating Bottles

Formula and Microwaves:

  • We prefer not to heat babies’ bottles in centre microwaves for the health and safety of our young babies. However, bottles may be heated in centre microwaves if parents have given permission in the child’s ‘My Journal.’ If permission has not been given for microwave heating, a list of the names of those children must be placed on the fridge close to the microwave or be placed on the microwave door.
  • Fluids continue to heat after being removed from the microwave, therefore increasing the risk of scalding to babies’ mouths. For this reason, after a bottle is heated in a microwave, the bottle must be shaken, and then left to stand for 3 minutes. Before feeding the baby, the bottle must be shaken again, and the temperature tested on inner wrist.
  • Breast milk must never be heated in a microwave. Microwaves destroy the nutritional value of the breast milk and therefore breast milk must always be heated by immersing the bottle in warm water.

Heating in Hot Water:

If bottles are heated by immersing into hot water, the hot water container must only be placed in the sink. Never anywhere else – not even on the sink bench. (The container must not be removed from the sink). If a crock pot or bottle warmer is used for heating, it must be in a safe position at the back of the bench. Extreme care must be taken if hot water is carried into the room for heating bottles

Remember, no containers / jugs containing hot water are to be left on the kitchen sink


Bottle Feeding

  • Children under 12 months of age must be held semi upright while being fed.
  • Children over the age of 12 months may sit at a table with their bottle or sipper cup if permission has been granted by the parents. Children must always be under close supervision of staff.
  • No child is to be propped up with their bottle or cup – including when they are in their cots or on their beds drifting off to sleep.
  • A feeder/bib must always be placed on a child before bottle feeding.
  • No feeder/bib is to be left on a baby whilst sleeping.
  • Teachers need to ensure that bottle-feeding time is a warm and nurturing experience for the child. Make eye contact with them and use this one to one opportunity to warmly interact with them and show affection.
  • Staff to ensure that the feeding charts are completed after each feed.

N.B: Water should be offered to babies and toddlers who are not bottle feeding regularly during the day and not only at meal times e.g. at morning tea, mid-morning (10:30am), lunch, after sleep, afternoon tea and late afternoon (4pm).

Bottle Storage and Care

  • Bottles must be placed in the fridge upon arrival to Kindercare.
  • Bottles must be clearly named. Centres must have a clear system in place to ensure that no parts of bottles are misplaced, and each child is given the correct bottle.
  • Milk that is not consumed from a bottle i.e. ‘leftovers’ - throw away prepared formula that has been at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Rinse bottles and return to child’s basket with all caps, lids, and teats.
  • If parents wish to supply dry formula in a separator container, the dry formula should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Parents must also provide clean, sterilised bottles daily with the correct amount of water pre-measured.

Last review date: 06.09.19

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